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Visa \ VAMFF #WhereYouShopMatters



communications and digital

How do you highlight regional small businesses at Australia’s largest fashion event – both on-ground and on social media? Visa asked us to bring their #WhereYouShopMatters campaign to life at VAMFF and we presented a holistic, authentic campaign that left people talking – and spending regionally. 

We engaged tinsel maven Rachel Burke to bring our ideas to life at the VAMFF Plaza and to be online ambassador. She constructed a throne, fit for fashion royalty, from specialty pieces that we purchased from small businesses across regional Australia. Attendees lined up to see, sit and shop where it mattered throughout the festival. 

Willett successfully positioned Visa as a socially conscious and playful brand, driven by purpose. By sourcing our throne items from small businesses we not only promoted them to a new audience, we literally shopped where it mattered to execute the campaign. VAMFF attendees got excited and involved thanks to an on-ground social competition that expanded our campaign reach by an estimated 78,454 people. 

To bring the campaign to life on socials, our strategy saw Rachel injecting emotion to the #WhereYouShopMatters message, talking to each product and what it meant to her. We created content that brought her audience into her process, resulting in followers asking to be involved and celebrating #WhereYouShopMatters and Visa online. Overall we increased engagement by 365.2%, from an already successful campaign in 2019, with a total estimated reach of 1.6 million on social media.


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